Preparing to “Illuminate the Future,” the International Association of Lighting Designers has opened registration for the IALD Enlighten Europe 2024 conference taking place in London.
From 21st to 22nd June 2024, hundreds of lighting design industry professionals worldwide will converge in central London to participate in seminars, roundtable discussions, immersive workshops, receptions, and more.
The conference agenda is organised around over 24 presentations from renowned designers, business owners, academic researchers, and lighting innovators. Networking opportunities weave between these speaking sessions to maintain the lively engagement and exchange of ideas at the centre of the IALD’s mission to advocate the lighting design profession.
IALD President Andrea Hartranft welcomes the lighting design community to the upcoming event and looks forward to the international collaboration.
She said: “Enlighten conferences have always been where valuable professional development and collaboration occur, but the European series is exceptional.”
“This event brings people together from diverse backgrounds and cultures, allowing for a broader range of perspectives and ideas to be shared,” Hartranft continued. “This leads to more innovative and creative solutions to industry challenges.”
Those interested in the IALD Enlighten Europe 2024 conference can learn more about the daily schedule of events, the roster of speakers and sponsors, and more at https://iald.org/ee24. Reduced-rate early badges are available through 22nd April, and registration remains open through 22nd June.