Hundreds of professionals from all facets of the lighting design industry gathered in the snow-capped mountains of Banff in Alberta, Canada for the IALD Enlighten Americas 2023 conference.
For three days, assembled guests were immersed in educational seminars and talks from industry leaders and innovators, business development workshops, specifier-to-manufacturer roundtable discussions, peer networking, and social gatherings.
Highlights of the events included a keynote address from renown light artist Bruce Munro, and the induction of veteran lighting designer from México, Gustavo Avilés, FIALD, into the IALD College of Fellows.
Sitting president Mônica Luz Lobo, IALD, CLD, publicly welcomed the president-elect Andrea Hartranft, FIALD, who begins her term in 2024. Hartranft graciously accepted the welcome and addressed the audience with positivity about the IALD’s preparations for the years ahead.
She said: “As we look to the future, I am excited about the new foundations we have put in place. With these strong fundamentals, I’m confident that we are not just going to survive but thrive.
I believe that we have the potential to become the best association in the world for lighting design. Together, we will continue to build a bright and innovative future for the IALD.”
The annual conference also marked a celebration of the 25th anniversary year for the IALD Education Trust and its continued success in promoting the advancement and vitality of the lighting design profession by providing direct support to students and educators.
IALD Education Trust president, Dr. Andrea Wilkerson, Ph.D. was thrilled to share the fund’s accomplishments with the assembled audience of nearly 400.
She said: “In this 2023 jubilee year, the Trust is immensely grateful to its supporters for making it possible to provide another thirty-four travel stipends and three scholarships to students and educators from Algeria, Bangladesh, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
As we continue to process support from manufacturers, lighting design firms, and individuals through the ’25 for the Trust’ campaign, the depth of care and provision shown by this community for the future of our industry is both humbling and heart-warming.”
The IALD thanks the dozens of esteemed speakers who presented their informative and educational sessions, the sponsors for their generous support of the remarkable event, and the nearly 400 professionals who travelled from around the world to take part.
The IALD Enlighten Americas conference will return in November 2024 in San Diego, California. Early information regarding event sponsorship, submission of presentations, and planning for attendance will be released in the weeks ahead on the IALD website and social media channels.
Established in 1969, the IALD strives to set the global standard for lighting design excellence by promoting the advancement and recognition of professional lighting designers, with over thirty-five Regions and Chapters around the globe that support the interests of their respective local lighting, design, and architecture communities.
Photo credit: Eric Daigle Photography; © IALD.