The provisional programme for this September’s Circular Lighting Live 2023 conference and exhibition has been unveiled by the organisers Recolight.
The event, which takes place on Thursday 21st September 2023 at the Royal College of Physicians in London, will feature two separate tracks for the first time, one focused on manufacturers and another focused on specifiers.
The manufacturers’ track in the Wolfson Theatre will open with a provocative keynote on ‘reimagining the lighting industry’ in a circular economy.
It will be followed by presentations on the ‘avalanche’ of green regulations facing the sector, remanufacturing, environmental data and bioplastics.
There’ll also be a ‘Dragons’ Den’-style session based on the popular BBC television series. In it, executives will pitch innovations and ideas in circularity to a panel of seasoned lighting manufacturers.
Designers, meanwhile, will explore design as a differentiator in circularity and look in depth at a life cycle assessment method created by lighting designers for lighting designers. An expert will also look at methodologies for evaluating the environmental impact of projects. This will be followed by exceptional exemplar projects and session on perception-based lighting design.
In this session, we look at best-practice methodologies for assessing the environmental impact of a lighting project throughout it operational life.
The afternoon will be a plenary session for all delegates. Presentations here will include the Circular Place luminaire-exchange platform, solutions to waste from Cat A commercial office installations and a panel discussion of experts.
This will again be followed by inspirational case studies and at the end of the day, a drinks reception.
An exhibition hall will feature innovations in circular lighting from major brands including Signify, Trilux, Urbis Schreder, Casambi, Feilo Sylvania, Holophane, ASD Lighting, Bell Lighting, Commercial Lighting, EGG Lighting, FutureDesigns, Glamox Luxonic, Llumarlite, Regen Initiative, Silent Design, Smart Systems UK, Synergy Creativ, and TRT Lighting.
For more information and to register, visit circularlighting.live